October 2, 2022

Mingus View Presbyterian Church. . .

. . . a fellowship of believers proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, nurture, and striving to exhibit the Kingdom of God to our community and the world.

October 2, 2022

17th Sunday after Pentecost

World Communion Sunday

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1

You are invited to join us on Sunday for our 10:00 a.m. Worship Service in our sanctuary or with the broadcast on Facebook.  We will observe World Communion Sunday, sharing the joy of the Lord’s Supper with Christians around the world.  The topic of Susan Goe’s sermon is “Put It On a Billboard” (Lamentations 1:1-7; Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4; Luke 17: 1-10.) Janet Hansen & Fran Chadwick will sing “Be Known to Us in Living Bread.”  Hymns for the service include “O God of Every Nation” “I Come With Joy,” and “Blest Be the Tie that Binds.”


          Monday       Food Pantry Open, 9 – 11 a.m.

          Tuesday       Merry Widows & Widowers Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.

          Wednesday  Crafternooners, 1:00 p.m.


  • The back bulletin board has sign-up sheets for several Mingus View activities!  Greeters and hosts for Fellowship Hour are always needed.  Also, The Craft Fair Committee is asking you to sign up to bake for the Craft & Bake Sale in November.
  • Fill the Crib!  The ladies of Hope Circle invite you to join them in their mission project to benefit the local Stepping Stones Shelter.  Donations of diapers, personal care products and cleaning products will be greatly appreciated and may be placed in the white crib in the Narthex.  THANK YOU!
  • Food Pantry News –      As always, thank you for all your donations.  Our pantry continues to serve a large number of clients on Monday morning and lately, the Cupboard has been almost BARE!  If you can manage an extra something when you go to the store this week, our community would greatly appreciate it!
  • Looking Ahead!  The Mission Team invites you to put on your best costume and participate in “Trunk or Treat” in the Mingus View parking lot on Halloween.  Bring your favorite treats and come out to meet the neighbors!
  • The Year of the Bible questions for the Week of October 2nd are:
  • Who asks, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”
  • When Jesus says that the temple has become a den of robbers, what prophet is he quoting?

Answers next week!!

Answers from last week:

1.  Like Proverbs, what does Psalm 111 say is the beginning of    wisdom?  (Like Proverbs, Psalm 111 says that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  Psalm 111:10

  • According to Hebrews, what cannot possibly take away sin?  (Hebrews says that the blood of bulls and goats cannot possibly take away sin.  Hebrews 10:4)

THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE:  Readings for October, 2022

Day 1     Isaiah 61, 62/Hebrews 12         Day 2        Isaiah 63, 64/ Hebrews 13         

Day 3    Isaiah 65 66/John 1                   Day 4        Jeremiah 1, 2/Psalms 112, 113   

Day 5    Jeremiah 3, 4/John 2                  Day 6        Jeremiah 5, 6/ John 3

Day 7    Jeremiah 7, 8/Psalms 114,115    Day 8       Jeremiah 9, 10/ John 4

Day 9    Jeremiah 11,12/John 5               Day 10      Jeremiah 13, 14/ John 6  

Day 11   Jeremiah 15, 16/Psalm 116       Day 12      Jeremiah 17, 18/ John 7

Day 13   Jeremiah 19,20/John 8              Day 14      Jeremiah 21,22/Psalms 117,118

Day 15   Jeremiah 23, 24/John 9            Day 16      Jeremiah 25, 26/John 10

Day 17   Jeremiah 27, 28/John 11          Day 18      Jeremiah 29-31/Psalm 119:1-24

Day 19   Jeremiah 32, 33/John 12          Day 20      Jeremiah 34, 35/John 13

Day 21   Jere. 36, 37/Psalm 119:25-48   Day 22      Jeremiah 38, 39/John 14

Day 23   Jeremiah 40, 41/John 15          Day 24      Jeremiah 42, 43/John 16

Day 25   Jere. 44-46/Psalm 119:49-72    Day 26     Jeremiah 47,48/John 17

Day 27   Jeremiah 49, 50/John 18          Day 28      Jere. 51,52/Psalm 119:73-96

Day 29   Lamentations1,2/John 19         Day 30      Lamentations 3-5/John 20

Day 31   Ezekiel 1/John 21