November 20, 2022

Mingus View Presbyterian Church. . .

. . . a fellowship of believers proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, nurture, and striving to exhibit the Kingdom of God to our community and the world.

November 20, 2022

Christ the King/Reign of Christ

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge..”  Psalm 46:1, 11

You are invited to join us on Sunday for our 10:00 a.m. Worship Service in our sanctuary or with the broadcast on Facebook.  This is Christ the King Sunday, traditionally the last Sunday of the church year in which we celebrate the ultimate reign of Christ for all time.  Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent.  The title of Susan Goe’s sermon is “Our Gracious King” (Jeremiah 23:1-6; Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43).  The Chancel Choir will sing “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come.”  Hymns for the service include “Crown Him With Many Crowns,” “Lead On, O King Eternal,”  and “Now Thank We All Our God.”


          Monday       Food Pantry Open, 9 – 11 a.m.

          Wednesday  Bell Choir Rehearsal, 1:00 p.m.



  • Coming for the Holidays – Toys for Tots!  The church in Ganado has informed us that they won’t be able to accept the donations of blankets and warm clothing that we’ve provided for many years now.  Instead, the Mission Team has decided to participate in the community Toys for Tots Christmas program.  Beginning next week, we’ll start accepting donations of new, unwrapped toys. 
  • Christmas Joy Offering – A cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930’s and a Mingus View tradition for many, many years, our special offering for the holidays is the Christmas Joy Offering.  The monies we receive and send to the denomination are divided equally between two programs – the assistance program of the Board of Pension and financial assistance for Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping students of color.  You will be hearing more about these programs over the coming weeks leading up to Christmas Sunday.
  • “Illuminating Advent” — Susan Goe will lead an Advent Study beginning Tuesday, November 29th at 10:00 a.m.  The study will continue for 4 weeks leading up to Christmas.  “Illuminating Advent” looks at Advent through four themes that are often used in connection with Advent wreaths in churches – hope, peace, joy, and love.  These terms are rich in biblical and theological meanings and also have personal meaning for the church and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Join us on Tuesdays during Advent as we look at these four themes.  May   it deepen your faith as you anticipate and celebrate Jesus Christ!

  • The Year of the Bible questions for the Week of November 20th are:
  • Why does Nebuchadnezzar have Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego thrown into the fiery furnace?
  • According to 1 John, anyone who hates his brother can be compared to what Old Testament character?

Answers next week!!

Answers from last week:

  1. Where do you find the vision of dry bones? (The vision of the dry bones in found in Ezekiel 37.)
  2. To what does Peter compare the elders in the church? (Peter compares the elders in the church to shepherds.  1 Peter 5:1-5)

THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE:  Readings for November, 2022

Day 19   Ezekiel 38, 39/2 Peter 3           Day 20  Ezekiel 40, 41/ 1 John 1

Day 21   Ezekiel 42, 43/1 John 2           Day 22  Ezekiel 44, 45/Psalms 129-131

Day 23   Ezekiel 46, 47/ 1 John 3          Day 24  Ezekiel 48/ 1 John 4

Day 25   Daniel 1-3/Psalms 132-134     Day 26  Daniel 4, 5/ 1 John 5

Day 27   Daniel 6, 7/ 2 John 1               Day 28  Daniel 8, 9/ 3 John 1

Day 29   Daniel 10-12/Psalms 135,136   Day 30  Hosea 1, 2/Jude

THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE:  Readings for December, 2022

Day 1    Hosea 3-6/Revelation 1             Day 2        Hosea 7,8/ Psalm 137, 138         

Day 3     Hosea 9, 10/ Revelation 1         Day 4        Hosea 11, 12/ Revelation 3          

Day 5     Hosea 13, 14/ Revelation 4       Day 6        Joel 1, 2/ Psalm 139

Day 7     Joel 3/ Revelation 5                  Day 8        Amos 1, 2/ Revelation 6

Day 9     Amos 3, 4/ Psalms 140, 141     Day 10      Amos 5, 6/ Revelation 7