December 4, 2022

Mingus View Presbyterian Church. . .

. . . a fellowship of believers proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, nurture, and striving to exhibit the Kingdom of God to our community and the world.

December 4, 2022

2nd Sunday of Advent

“The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down

with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together,

and a little child shall lead them.” 

Isaiah 11:6

You are invited to join us on Sunday for our 10:00 a.m. Worship Service in our sanctuary or with the broadcast on Facebook.  This is the second Sunday of Advent.  The title of Susan Goe’s sermon is “A Shepherd Among Lions” (Isaiah 11:1-10; Matthew 3:1-12).  The sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated.  Special music will be “Come, Share the Lord,” sung by Janet Hansen and Fran Chadwick.  Hymns for the service include “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “For the Bread Which You Have Broken,” and “To God Be the Glory.”


          Monday           Food Pantry Open, 9 – 11 a.m.

            Tuesday          Advent Bible Study, 10:00 a.m.

                                    Merry Widows & Widowers, Lunch at Pati Moeller’s, 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday     Crafternooners, 1:00 p.m.

Thursday         Bell Choir Rehearsal, 1:00 p.m.

Friday             Outreach, 8:45 a.m.


  • Advent Devotionals are available on the back table.  Enhance your Advent prayer and devotional time with “Attending to Advent”, created by Teri McDowell Ott.
  • The Merry Widows & Widowers will meet on Tuesday, December 6th, at 11:30 a.m.  at the home of Pati Moeller.  Please let Pati know if you plan to attend.  She will provide the lunch, but invites guests to share a favorite dessert if you wish.
  • Toys for Tots!  The church in Ganado has informed us that they won’t be able to accept the donations of blankets and warm clothing that we’ve provided for many years now.  Instead, the Mission Team has decided to participate in the community Toys for Tots Christmas program.  Your  donations of new, unwrapped toys may be place in the crib in the entryway.  Donation deadline is December 18th!
  • Christmas Joy Offering – A cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930’s and a Mingus View tradition for many, many years, our special offering for the holidays is the Christmas Joy Offering.  The monies we receive and send to the denomination are divided equally between two programs – the assistance program of the Board of Pension and financial assistance for Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping students of color. 
  • “Illuminating Advent” – The Advent Study continues Tuesday, December 6th, at 10:00 a.m.  “Illuminating Advent” looks at Advent through four themes that are often used in connection with Advent wreaths in churches – hope, peace, joy, and love.  These terms are rich in biblical and theological meanings and also have personal meaning for the church and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Join us on Tuesdays during Advent as we look at these four themes.  May it deepen your faith as you anticipate and celebrate Jesus Christ!

  • CHRISTMAS EVE OPEN HOUSE!  We are so blessed to have a cherished Christmas Eve tradition provided for us by Bob & Jone Rongstad.  Once again this year, they are inviting everyone to their home following the 5:00 p.m. Service.  Wonderful chili and soup are provided, guests are welcome to bring along their favorite side dishes and desserts.  They would appreciate it if you would sign up so they know how many to plan for. 

The Year of the Bible questions for the Week of December 4th  are:

  1. Which Psalm affirms that the Lord knows all about us, wherever we are?
  2. What is John told when he weeps because no one is worthy to open the scroll sealed with seven seals?

Answers next week!!

Answers from last week:

  1. What is the name of Hosea’s unfaithful wife? (Hosea’s unfaithful wife is named Gomer.  Hosea 1:2-3)
  2. Where was John when he received the message of Revelation?  (John was on the island of Patmos when he received the message of Revelation.  Revelation 1:9)

THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE:  Readings for December, 2022

Day 1    Hosea 3-6/Revelation 1           Day 2           Hosea 7,8/ Psalm 137, 138    

Day 3      Hosea 9, 10/ Revelation 1     Day 4           Hosea 11, 12/ Revelation 3   

Day 5      Hosea 13, 14/ Revelation 4               Day 6           Joel 1, 2/ Psalm 139

Day 7      Joel 3/ Revelation 5                           Day 8           Amos 1, 2/ Revelation 6

Day 9      Amos 3, 4/ Psalms 140, 141  Day 10         Amos 5, 6/ Revelation 7        

Day 11   Amos 7, 8/ Revelation 8         Day 12         Amos 9/ Revelation 9

Day 13   Obadiah 1/ Psalms 142, 143               Day 14         Jonah 1, 2/ Revelation 10

Day 15   Jonah 3, 4/ Revelation 11       Day 16         Micah 1-3/ Psalm 144

Day 17   Micah 4, 5/ Revelation 12      Day 18         Micah 6, 7/Revelation 13

Day 19   Nahum 1-3/ Revelation 14      Day 20         Habakkuk 1-3/ Psalm 145

Day 21  Zephaniah 1-3/ Revelation 15  Day 22         Haggai 1, 2/ Revelation 16

Day 23   Zechariah 1, 2/Psalms 146, 147 Day 24      Zechariah 3, 4/ Revelation 17

Day 25  Zechariah 5, 6/ Revelation 18   Day 26        Zechariah 7, 8/ Revelation 19

Day 27   Zechariah 9, 10/ Psalm 148    Day 28         Zechariah 11, 12/ Revelation 20

Day 29   Zechariah 13,14/Revelation 21  Day 30      Malachi 1, 2/Psalms 149, 150

Day 31   Malachi 3, 4/ Revelation 22