April 28, 2024

Mingus View Presbyterian Church. . .

. . . a fellowship of believers proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, nurture, and striving to exhibit the Kingdom of God to our community and the world.

April 28, 2024

5th Sunday of Easter

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118:24

You are invited to join us on Sunday for our 10:00 a.m. worship service either in person or on YouTube Live via our Facebook page. The title of Susan Goe’s sermon is “Listening to the Spirit” (John 15:1-8; Acts 8:26-40). The choir anthem will be “Because You Live, O Christ.” Hymns for the day include: “I Greet Thee Who My Sure Redeemer Art,” “Be Thou My Vision,” and “O Word of God Incarnate.”



Monday Food Pantry Open, 9 – 11 a.m.

Wednesday Crafternooners, 1:00 p.m.



  • – Join the AV Team! Speak to Brian or Sue Von Hagel or Bev Williams.

– Sign up to be a greeter! Sign-up sheet on the back bulletin board.

– Volunteer to help with the Food Pantry. Speak to RW or Linda Wyatt and sign up on the back bulletin board.

  • Mother’s Day Project for Stepping Stones – In honor of Mother’s Day, the Hope Circle is collecting personal care items, diapers, pajamas, etc. — anything to help the transition for the women and children clients at the Stepping Stones emergency shelter. The baby crib is in the fron hallway waiting to accept your gifts! Thank you!
  • Mountain View Elementary School loves when we check in with them with goodies. They have a few new requests in addition to the sweats, jeans, socks, and underwear that are ongoing requests. They could again use small disposable bottles of water, crackers, and small reusable hot and cold packs. They are most appreciative of our support.